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Welcome to BioCompute Tutorial,
This page provides information regarding the BioCompute portal. It has several sections on different topics that will help you to navigate through most of the functions on the BioCOmpute Portal.


BioCompute Team recommends all users to create an account before editing or creating a BCO. By creating an account, users can add multiple databases, edit groups/permissions, change passwords, and more.

Prefix and Permission

BioCompute portal enables users to create prefix for personal or public usage. Then, owner of the prefix can modify personnel permissions inside the group. For example, the owner can grant certain people draft only permissions and other people publish only permissions.

Build a BCO

The portal allows users to build a BCO using a user-friendly interface where the BCO is divided into different domain. In addition, the JSON format is also available for edit and view. By following this tutorial, users can easily build a BCO.

Search BCOs

Users can search for an existing BCO, either publish or draft through the portal. Search can be based on keywords, prefix, owned-BCO and more.

Swagger Usage

Users and developers can use the swagger site to interact with the BioCompute APIs to create and publish drafts.

BCODB Sandbox

The BCODB sandbox is an isolated testing environment that allows developers to interact with BCO APIs without affecting the system, database, and portal. To add the BCODB sandbox to your account, please contact BioCompute Admins first.


For common issues and question, refer to this page. If you need more assistance, please click on Contact Us or Bug Report.