
From BCOeditor Wiki
Revision as of 20:26, 2 August 2022 by Twang9 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== BCO domains == A BCO JSON object is split into different parts, or domains, detailed below. Condensed example: "spec_version" : "https://w3id.org/biocompute/1.3.0/", "object_id": "https://example.com/bco/9487ae7e-c1aa-4a3c-b18f-3d3695b33ace", "type": "antiviral_resistance_detection", "etag": "584C7FE128717E1712426AB19CAAEA8BC1E27365B54285BBEA1221284C7D3A48", "provenance_domain": { }, "usability_domain": [ ], "extension_domain":{...")
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BCO domains

A BCO JSON object is split into different parts, or domains, detailed below.

Condensed example:

   "spec_version" : "https://w3id.org/biocompute/1.3.0/",
   "object_id": "https://example.com/bco/9487ae7e-c1aa-4a3c-b18f-3d3695b33ace",
   "type": "antiviral_resistance_detection", 
   "etag": "584C7FE128717E1712426AB19CAAEA8BC1E27365B54285BBEA1221284C7D3A48",
   "provenance_domain": {
   "usability_domain": [
   "description_domain": {
   "execution_domain": {
   "parametric_domain": {
   "io_domain": {
   "error_domain": {